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Umbrella/Excess Insurance in Connecticut

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Understanding the intricacies of insurance can be a daunting task. However, when it comes to protecting your assets and financial future, it's crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of the different types of insurance available. One such type is umbrella or excess insurance. This guide will delve into the specifics of umbrella insurance in Connecticut, providing you with all the information you need to make informed decisions.

What is Umbrella/Excess Insurance?

Umbrella insurance, also known as excess liability insurance, is a form of personal liability insurance that goes above and beyond the limits of your standard policies. It provides an extra layer of protection for your assets in the event that you're sued for damages that exceed the liability limits of your standard insurance policies, such as homeowners or auto insurance.

For instance, if you're involved in a car accident and the damages exceed the limit of your auto insurance, your umbrella insurance would kick in to cover the remaining costs. This can be especially beneficial in a state like Connecticut, where the cost of living and, consequently, potential lawsuit settlements can be high.

Why Do You Need Umbrella Insurance in Connecticut?

Connecticut is known for its high cost of living, which includes high property values and high income levels. This makes it a state where the potential for large lawsuit settlements exists. Umbrella insurance can protect you from financial ruin in the event of a large claim or lawsuit.

Furthermore, Connecticut's tort laws allow for the possibility of large jury awards. In the event of a lawsuit, without adequate protection, your assets, future wages, and retirement savings could be at risk. An umbrella insurance policy can provide the additional coverage needed to protect your financial future.

How Does Umbrella Insurance Work in Connecticut?

Umbrella insurance in Connecticut works by providing additional coverage once the limits of your underlying policy are exhausted. For example, if you have an auto insurance policy with a liability limit of $500,000 and you're sued for $1 million, your auto insurance would pay out its limit of $500,000 and your umbrella policy would cover the remaining $500,000.

It's important to note that umbrella insurance only kicks in once the limits of your underlying policy are exhausted. Therefore, it's crucial to have adequate coverage on your underlying policies to ensure your umbrella policy can provide the protection you need.

How to Get Umbrella Insurance in Connecticut

Choose the Right Insurance Company

There are many insurance companies in Connecticut that offer umbrella insurance. It's important to choose a company that has a strong financial rating and a good reputation for customer service. You can check the financial strength of an insurance company through rating agencies like A.M. Best and Standard & Poor's.

Determine the Right Amount of Coverage

The amount of umbrella insurance coverage you need depends on your personal financial situation. As a general rule, you should have enough umbrella insurance to cover your net worth. However, if you have a high-risk lifestyle or occupation, you may need more coverage.

Understand the Cost

The cost of umbrella insurance in Connecticut can vary depending on several factors, including your age, the amount of coverage you need, and your risk profile. However, considering the high level of protection it provides, many people find it to be a cost-effective addition to their insurance portfolio.


Umbrella insurance is an important part of a comprehensive insurance plan, especially in a state like Connecticut where the potential for large lawsuit settlements exists. By understanding what umbrella insurance is, why you need it, and how to get it, you can ensure that you're adequately protected against potential financial risks.

Remember, the goal of insurance is to protect your financial future. Don't leave it to chance. Consider adding umbrella insurance to your portfolio to ensure you're fully protected.

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